At a recent reception, I ran into a friend whose blog I consider a Mecca of music-I’ve-never-heard-of. Her regular postings of her workout and other playlists have been instrumental in converting me to a small handful of bands that, somehow, neither Amazon nor Pandora has yet suggested.
I mentioned to her my recent initiative to work out to music, rather than the sound of my overworked lungs. She said that she’d be happy to make me a playlist … if I just told her what kind of music and bands I like in general.
For most of you, that would be a pretty easy question to answer.
I am not like most of you.
So over the last few weeks, I've thought about the kind of music that inspires me to perspire.
WARNING: If you think to yourself, “I know Kevin, he’s a decent guy, and he probably has good taste in music,” then I implore you to keep that wonderful illusion, and stop reading now!
It was a difficult process. You see, first, I had to go through all the music I already own. Because I’m an auditor. And that’s what we do. This process prompted some deep thoughts:
- If I’m struggling to breathe while working that treadmill, will listening to Air Supply help?
- Is Will Smith rapping still cool?
- Can the guy curling the two 45 lb hand weights tell that I’m listening to the Backstreet Boys on the elliptical?
- What about the girl curling the two 45 lb hand weights? She clearly has superpowers.
Ultimately, I realized that bands like Bush, the Cranberries, Garbage and even Kris Kross didn’t make me want to jump. But I did manage to find some gems. Thank you, Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, 2 Unlimited (think the Mortal Kombat soundtrack), and some sweet, sweet 90’s techno.
In the future, I’m going to follow these simple rules about making a workout playlist:
- If it makes me want to sing aloud, it’s not allowed.
- If it makes my hand tired in Guitar Hero, it’s a good idea.
- Angry lyrics mean happy time.
- Minor keys are majorly important.
I’m still going to see what my music guru friend comes up with. Until then, I have a pretty good 50-song playlist. Which will last me for a month. Without repetition. Because I don’t work out very often. Or for very long. Because exercising is hard. And I’m out of shape. And lazy. (In case you didn’t figure that out before this sentence fragment.)
1 That means if I’m attending your wedding reception, you may not be the reason I came.